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Photograph of skilled trades worker Damien McQuaid

Item is a photograph of a skilled trades worker Damien McQuaid testing the load on electrical connections in the electrical room on the second floor of building "E". The College depended on the computer equipment in the Computer Centre across the hall which required a lot of power so Physical Resources regularly monitored the electrical equipment to ensure there were no outages.

Photograph of skilled trade worker Damien McQuaid at worker

Item is a photograph of a skilled trades worker Damien McQuaid adjusting wiring inside the air conditioning system for the mainframe computer room. Notice the large filters that needed to be replaced on a regular basis. The large blue box behind him is an air conditioning unit for the computer room. The computer equipment to the left of Damien is an IBM 3705 Communications Controller used to provide computer communications to the other campuses.

Results 2411 to 2420 of 7589