Showing 94 results

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John Davies fonds
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30 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Albion Mall promotion : [photographs]
Albion Mall promotion : [photographs]
HRT award to Jimmy Yung from Kuo Hsiung University : [photographs]
HRT award to Jimmy Yung from Kuo Hsiung University : [photographs]
AM 680 & Rogers present cheque : [photographs]
AM 680 & Rogers present cheque : [photographs]
Orangeville graduates at convocation : [photographs]
Orangeville graduates at convocation : [photographs]
President's breakfast : [photographs]
President's breakfast : [photographs]
Centre for Trades & Technology grand opening : [photographs]
Centre for Trades & Technology grand opening : [photographs]
R.I.D.E. launch : [photographs]
R.I.D.E. launch : [photographs]
Toronto Police College opening (Community Mosaic Wall) : [photographs]
Toronto Police College opening (Community Mosaic Wall) : [photographs]
Minister Milloy visits North Campus : [photographs]
Minister Milloy visits North Campus : [photographs]
Photograph of John Davies holding a 'First Contact' shirt
Photograph of John Davies holding a 'First Contact' shirt
Results 21 to 30 of 94