Series consists of issues of "Direction", a "community newspaper published monthly...and supported by the Student Union". Founded in 1974 by Ivan Fernandez and Ted Schmidt, both members of the Student Union, the paper was designed to address two problems the pair saw at Humber: (1) The lack of student interest in Humber affairs, and (2) The lack of communication between the Student Union and the students broadly.
Item is an issue of "Direction". The issue provides coverage of the 1975 Ontario election, including coverage of local candidates. The issue also includes a list of clubs and organization at Humber.
Item is an issue of 'Direction". Includes articles covering the end of the Human Resources Development program, and other topics. The issue also includes an evaluation of "Direction"'s first year.
File consists of an article by Robert A. Gordon on trends in education in the 21st Century. The article was published in "Policy Options" in September 2003.