Files consists of photographs taken during the S.S.A.V.E (Students and Staff Against a Violent Environment) presentation at Lakeshore campus. Photographs were commissioned by John Liphardt.
File consists of candid photographs of students/participants preparing stained glass projects. Photographs were commissioned by Bill Bayes and Bill Dick.
File consists of photographs of students commissioned by Program Co-ordinator Raymond Doucet and Henry Rushin Teachers group. The file also includes photographs of staff members in the graphic centre.
File consists of photographs of a tradeshow type display featuring various forms of new technology. The photographs were likely commissioned by Jim Montgomery.
File consists of a contact sheet and photographs of members of the Association of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Ontario (ACAATO) at Queens Park. Included also are photographs of students at the North Campus.
File consists of a contact sheet and photographs of people in attendance at a meeting at the Association of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology of Ontario (ACAATO) office.