Item is the thirty-sixth issue of the 12th volume of 'Coven', the Humber student newspaper. The issue includes coverage of new mall creates job for students, librarian wants lounge back, chocolate is a delight, among other articles.
Item is the 35th issue of the 12th volume of 'Coven' on February 23 1984. The issue includes coverage of LLBO halts video shows at Caps, $290,000 windfall, French fries and banality at Humber, among other articles.
Item is the thirty-fifth issue of the 12th volume of 'Coven', the Humber student newspaper. The issue includes coverage of college faculty to visit China, popcorn vs future in priority struggle, and how's this for your love life, among other articles
Item is the thirty-third issue of the 12th volume of 'Coven', the Humber student newspaper. The issue includes coverage of tourism students fight move, have a heart...and lend a hand, every little thing her does is magic, among other articles.
Item is the thirty-second issue of the 12th volume of 'Coven', the Humber college newspaper. The issue includes coverage student job canters created, admissions criteria to be clarified, program offers alternative to high school, workplace, among other articles
Item is the third issue of the 12th volume of 'Coven', the Humber student newspaper. The issue includes coverage of bleachers at Humber, a poet with a message, audience showers funny men with money, among other articles.
Item is the 29th issue of the 12th volume of 'Cove', the Humber student newspaper. The issue includes coverage of educational issue addressed, Ontario drinking age in the air again, pea-bargaining crucial for justice, among other articles.