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North Campus (Humber College) With digital objects
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Photograph of the Bubble Athletic Facility
Photograph of the Bubble Athletic Facility
Photograph of a Horse Outside of Gordon Wragg's Office
Photograph of a Horse Outside of Gordon Wragg's Office
Photograph of Doris Tallon Sitting at her Desk
Photograph of Doris Tallon Sitting at her Desk
Photograph of Doug Roberts Operating the Main Console for the Audio/Video Distribution System in ...
Photograph of Doug Roberts Operating the Main Console for the Audio/Video Distribution System in the IMC
Photograph of Steve Allen and Mark Breslin
Photograph of Steve Allen and Mark Breslin
Photograph of a presenter and students in a meeting lounge of he residence building
Photograph of a presenter and students in a meeting lounge of he residence building
Photograph of a group of girls in discussion on a grassy area in the arboretum
Photograph of a group of girls in discussion on a grassy area in the arboretum
Photograph of the back of the one dollar bill used to commemorate Doris Tallon's retirement
Photograph of the back of the one dollar bill used to commemorate Doris Tallon's retirement
Photograph of Doris Tallon's face on a Canadian one dollar note
Photograph of Doris Tallon's face on a Canadian one dollar note
Photograph of a cultural celebration in the Student Centre during Winter Madness.
Photograph of a cultural celebration in the Student Centre during Winter Madness.
Results 1 to 10 of 1374