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Showing 62 results
Archival description2 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
John Davies retirement : [photographs]
John Davies retirement : [photographs]
Convocation : [photographs]
Convocation : [photographs]
Humber showcase : [photographs]
Humber showcase : [photographs]
NBC Universal reps visiting L building : [photographs]
NBC Universal reps visiting L building : [photographs]
Punjabi international film festival : [photographs]
Punjabi international film festival : [photographs]
Jimei and Ningbo graduations : [photographs]
Jimei and Ningbo graduations : [photographs]
Greatest high school teachers award : [photographs]
Greatest high school teachers award : [photographs]
North Campus flash appreciation award : [photographs]
North Campus flash appreciation award : [photographs]
Minister Bentley's visit to sustainable energy lab : [photographs]
Minister Bentley's visit to sustainable energy lab : [photographs]
Results 1 to 10 of 62