- HC01 PC-PC-50-PC-50-2000s-PC-50-2000s-2000-PC-50-2000s-2000-HB-202
- Item
- ca. 2000s
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of Tony DiGiovanni a graduate of the Landscape Technology program in 1978.
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Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of Tony DiGiovanni a graduate of the Landscape Technology program in 1978.
Photograph of an unknown staff with a robot machine
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of an unknown staff with a robot machine. The nature of technological equipment used in training has dramatically changed over the years and today includes state-of-the-art robotics.
Photographs of students residence buildings
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of the student residences which were built in two phases, with the first two buildings opening in 1989 and the third in 2003
Photograph of a digital board in the Registrars office
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of the digital board used to manage the bustling hub of activity around the Registrar's Office.
Photograph of Squee interacting with the Toronto police
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of Squee interacting with the police as the Toronto Police Service moved into office space near the main entrance of the North Campus
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of Pino Caputo who transitioned from being a student in Community Integration through Co-operative Education (CICE) to being a Humber employee in 1998. CICE serves people with developmental disabilities in academic, job and, life skills
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of a star basketball player, Denise Perrier who graduated from the Recreational Leadership program and then entered into a career with Basketball Ontario. Her involvement in basketball at Humber extends from the winning of provincial championships as a player in 1993 to coaching winning teams in 2000, 2002, and 2005.
Photograph of Paramedic student
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of a student in the Paramedic program participating in an industry drill.
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of Jessica Webster of the University of New Brunswick Faculty of Nursing along with an unknown nurse. The four-year Humber/University of New Brunswick Nursing Program grew out of a degree requirement for all Registered Nurses in Ontario.
Photograph of students residences
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of Humber's students' residences. As enrollment reached new heights, Humber responded by building additional student residences at Lakeshore and the North Campus