Series consists of administrative material created by the Humber School for Writers. Includes correspondence with authors regarding participation in the workshops, promotional material, information on alumni, and a research study by Antanas Sileika.
Series consists of material from The Humber School for Writers, including administrative documents (including correspondence with authors and instructors), transcripts and video recordings of classes/lectures. The series also consists of a large collection of promotional material, including photographs and brochures, much of the focus of the material is from the years Antanas Sileika was Creative Director of the program (2002-2016).
Series consists of audio and video recordings from the workshops, organized by year. Includes author talks, flash assignments, interviews with authors, and other material.
Series consists of photographs and promotional material for the Humber School for Writer. The photographs include both staged portraits of faculty, as well as candid photographs from the workshops.
Subseries consists of photographs of the faculty from each year of the workshop (with many of their signatures on the matting). The subseries also includes brochures advertising the program, which include faculty and staff biographies and other general information about the program.