Photograph of the exterior of a psychiatric hospital building following restoration work
- HC01 PC-PC-50-PC-50-1990s-PC-50-1990s-1995-PC-50-1990s-1995-1994-524
- Item
- 1995
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Photograph of the exterior of a psychiatric hospital building following restoration work
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Photograph of the roof of one of Lakeshore's cottages
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of an exterior shot of the roof of one of the cottages at Lakeshore campus. This photograph is part of a series of pictures of buildings at Humber's newly-acquired Lakeshore Campus following restoration work on the exterior of all buildings.
Photograph of an exterior shot of the roof of one of Lakeshore's cottages
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of an exterior view of the roof of one of Lakeshore's cottages. This photograph is part of a series of pictures of buildings at Humber's newly-acquired Lakeshore Campus following restoration work on the exterior of all buildings.
Photograph of an exterior shot of a brick wall of one of Lakeshore's cottages
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of an exterior view of a brick wall of one of Lakeshore's cottages. This photograph is a part of a series of pictures of buildings at Humber's newly-acquired Lakeshore Campus following restoration work on the exterior of all buildings.
Photograph of a face carved into stone
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of a face carved into the stone over the doorway of one of the Lakeshore cottages.
Photograph of one of the first Lakeshore cottages that was restored
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Photograph of the north side of Lakeshore cottages "D", "E" and "F" after their restoration
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Photograph of restoration work being done on the cottages at Lakeshore
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital buildings in 1992. With the acquisition of the buildings, the College immediately contracted with the Vanbots construction firm for the restoration of its roof and brickwork.
Photograph of restoration work being done on the cottages at Lakeshore campus
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of restoration work being done on the cottages at Lakeshore. With the acquisition of the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital in 1992, the College immediately contracted with the Vanbots construction firm for the restoration of the buildings' roof and brickwork.
Photograph of restoration work being done on the cottages at Lakeshore campus
Part of Humber College Photo Collection
Item is a photograph of restoration work being done on the cottages at Lakeshore campus. With the acquisition of the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital in 1992, the College immediately contracted with the Vanbots construction firm for the restoration of its roof and brickwork.